(12 )
Genre: Education & Teaching
Language: English
Print Length: 35
Last checked: About 2 days ago

How to Format Your eBook: BookRix ePub Guide

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The BookRix FREE self-publishing service offers you the opportunity to sell your eBooks in the major online stores. Our guide offers simple instructions to create and format an eBook using Microsoft Word. We also provide information on how eBook formatting is different from print formatting.

If you want to distribute your eBook via BookRix to all the major eBook stores, such as Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble, this guide is a must-read.

If you would like this document as a PDF file, just copy and paste this link into your browser: dropbox.com/s/zdf2afqfclxoswt/How%20to%20Format%20Your%20eBook%20-%20BookRix%20ePub%20Style%20Guide.pdf

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