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Genre: Science Fiction
Language: English
Print Length: 144
Last checked: About 2 days ago

Saturnastra: Ahi: Part 1

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Preface This is the third book in the series. It is also the only one to have two parts. I could have it all in the same book. Still, it felt like it might make a really fat book. It is for this reason I divided the book in half. Originally, the book Ahi was going to end after 55,000 words. I then decided to keep going with it. The book Ahi is one of the strangest I have ever written. The book focuses on my little Ahi. His main mission is to do nothing. He is just supposed to sit and wait to be called upon. However, the mundane problems of Saturnastra has yet to require the attention of a being as powerful as Ahi. Since he has nothing better to do, Ahi just mainly does whatever he wants. This book takes place in a couple of more regions. His adventures and misadventures even take him to other Continents, and even to other worlds. When I say worlds, I do not refer to planets. Just a different type of place. A place that is between this, that and the rest. I also expand a bit on the lore, and the origin of Ahi and all his brothers and sisters. His parents also make a bit of a cameo appearance. Mainly, the entire bulk of this book is about dragons, and dragon based economy. Humans tend to treat them as a type of commodity, that only those with lots of gold can afford. Just owning one is enough to raise one’s cool factor in the Kingdom. This and many other humorous things will be enjoyed in the book. IntroductionThe narration style I used in this book is pretty unique. At least in literature, I have never ran into anything like it. The book is told from the perspective of a film crew that is making a documentary about Ahi. The main issue is that Ahi does not process thought in a way that can be made sense of. In order to chronicle his life, the Wicked Sophie’s film crew was tasked with stalking Ahi and recording everything he does an says. This is easier said than done. Ahi is a dragon. He was a dragon before he came to the world of Saturnastra. He only changed a bit in nature when he came into contact with the dragons of the region. In doing so, he blended with the local draconic population. Aside from dragons, Ahi is forced to deal with the human population. To relate to them, he has his own little human form. He cannot shrink down, since he cannot use magic. Instead, he grows an angler from his head, that has the shape of a human being. He uses that form to interact with humans and other tiny creatures. In the first book, Ahi interacts mainly with the humans and dragons. He also does his best to pretend that the film crew is not stalking him around.

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